Many extracurricular programs have faced budget cuts throughout the years, the TRIO program, however, remains a strong staple in local students lives.
Talent Search and Upward Bound are based out of Neosho County Community College and have offices in the Student Union.
They also have a website where people can go to find contact information, upcoming events, photos from previous events, information about the program, newsletters, enrollment forms and other information regarding the program.
Students enrolled in these programs are able to participate in campus tours, leadership workshops, and other assorted trips. The TRIO Program also offers students academic assistance, ACT prep, tutoring, college planning and other college readiness assistance.
“We help students to start thinking about their future and their aspirations,” Nicci Wiltse, Talent Search Director, said. Both programs have meetings at each high school that have students who participate in TRIO. During these meetings they discuss future trips, FAFSA readiness and other helpful tips to prepare for the future.
“It helps me to think of where I want to go to college and gives me the opportunity to see the campuses in person, ” freshman Drew Clay said.
“Talent Search gives students the tools to think outside the box and to help their dreams become a reality,” Wiltse said.
Neosho County Talent Search outreach stretches to serve approximately 655 students a year and spans over nine high schools and nine middle schools.
Just in the Chanute area, 129 students participate in Talent Search both the high school and middle school. The program is available for students in grades 6-12 and most often sign up in the school guidance office, print it off of the website, or they can pick up an application from the Neosho County Community College’s Student Union.
Parents must fill out each form accurately and return it to either the guidance office or to the Talent Search or Upward Bound office at the college. Students who participate in this program during middle school are considered continuously enrolled in the program throughout high school as well, there is no re-enrollment for each year.
“My sister actually got me into the program in the sixth grade and I do not regret joining because it has really benefited me,” Clay said. “It has been an amazing opportunity for me and my friends.”
TRIO also helps students to develop social skills with other people their age. The TRIO Program believes in direct communication between peers. Most workshops that students attend also contain icebreakers so that the students become more comfortable with each other.
“Seeing other people and having a connection actually brightens my day,” Clay said. “It helps to have new people to talk to.”
The TRIO Program has undeniably impacted many students’ lives and helps students as they further their education and enter the workforce.